Friday, August 20, 2010

Jazz New Logo

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Utah Jazz have changed their logo back to the jazz note and updated their colors as well. I think it looks a lot better than their last several logos.
I was recently commissioned to update some of the illustrations I had done for them in the past. It also gave me an opportunity to touch up some things that I wanted to fix on some of them.
So, next time you are at a Jazz game, look for these pictures of the Jazz Bear. They are also going to be on Bear’s Van. I’m pretty excited that they would want to put these on their van and drive everywhere. Thanks Bear!
Oh! And, on a side note, I’ve finally updated my phone to a Motorola Droid X. I hope there is some kind of doodling or drawing app for it. I’m pretty excited about it.


  1. Sweet! These look great. That's an awesome gig you've got yourself there!

  2. Very fun ! U can tell you had a blast with em


  3. Aaron I'm really lucky anyone would want to pay me to draw anything.

    Mel Your blog is Awesome!

    Thanks for the comments guys!
